Winner | DemoFest 2021 “Best Immersive Solution”

Interactive Course to Identify Microaggression

Presented at DevLearn 2021, Las Vegas, NV

Emily Wood, Veronica C. Dominguez, Michel Hobson

Service + Expertise

Supporting people and organizations to improve the processes, procedures, and collaboration impacting customers, employees, and business.

Training Delivery

~ Diversity, Equity + Inclusion (DEI) in the Workplace
~ Strategies for Workplace Inclusion
~ Addressing Microagressions in the Workplace

Project Management

Instructional Design

Design . Develop . Deliver. Measure

Needs Analysis

Assess the Current Environment. Outline Problems. Research and Map Solutions. Stakeholder and Subject Matter Expert Collaboration. Identifying Learner Performance Requirements.

Develop + Deliver Training

Implement Change. Develop Documentation, and Materials. Conduct Live / Virtual Live Workshops, Conferences, Seminars. Develop eLearning Courses. Deliver Blended Learning Solutions.

Monitor + Metrics

Project Plans. Learning Statement of Work. Project Meetings and Communication. Design Metrics and Measurement. Project Status Dashboards. After Action Reviews

Let’s Make Measurable Change Together